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Podcast with Mitchell Foyle-York

Timothy Krell recently re-connected with a friend he made at the Scrutopia Summer School conference a few years ago. Mitch is a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy and invited Tim to discuss what Christian community life practically looks like: how to handle conflicts, politics, and sacrifice. “You can’t solve conflicts without the Holy Spirit.” ~ Tim […]

LMF appears on the Yours Truly Podcast

One of our deacons, Timothy Krell, recently appeared on the Yours Truly podcast hosted by Christian Baxter. Timothy give a brief introduction to our church’s genesis and talks about our approach to liturgy, faith, community, art, technology, and tradition. Some quotes from the video: “Trust comes from your commitment to each other.” “‘What do you […]

Following in the Footsteps of God

By Rembrandt [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Most Christians are familiar with the passage in Isaiah 53:5, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” As a young Christian I heard this passage used almost […]

Welcome Thomas

Sam and Kelcy welcomed the newest addition to their family, Thomas John, on May 5, 2012. Thomas, healthy at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 3/4 inches, is a delight to family and friends!

The Locus of Our Trust

Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Ludolf Backbuysen, 1695 Public Domain What allows one person to sail smoothly through the vicissitudes of life while others seem to be battered to and fro by these same storms? I have often wondered how the apostle Paul kept an even keel through his numerous trials, […]

Apprentice Guidance

I’ve been blogging about divine guidance. I suggested that there are three basic views Christians have: blueprint guidance, breadcrumb guidance, and apprentice guidance. Blueprint guidance sees God’s will for us as an exact plan to be followed. Breadcrumb guidance understands the will of God as a goal, instead of a plan, and the way to […]

Breadcrumb Guidance

How divine guidance is understood shapes both the devoted and nominal Christian’s life. Choosing a mate, a career, a home, or even a parking space are often determined by how one understands God’s leading and purposes. One way to understand divine guidance is to use the metaphor of a blueprint, which I elaborated on in […]

Blueprint Guidance

In a previous post I summarized three models for divine guidance. The first of these I called, “Blueprint guidance.” As the name implies, blueprint guidance is about God having an exact blueprint, or plan, for your life. He knows the perfect path for you to take and wants you to fulfill His divine will by […]

Divine Guidance

Understanding how God guides us has important implications for our lives. How we see Him interacting with us to shape our future will determine what kind of choices we make in the present. And the quality of our life is highly dependent upon our choices. So, a right understanding of divine guidance is essential for […]

Running with Plan A

Recently, a few of us have been discussing an article about guidance written by Jill Carattini entitled, Running With Plan B. This has stimulated a lot of discussion and has prompted us to think more deeply about guidance. The following are some thoughts I’ve had about the article: I like the emphasis that there isn’t […]